Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Library Brown Bag Lunch Lecture on Book Arts

Thanks for everyone that came out to Doug Baulos's lecture in the Henley Room/UAB Library - we talked at length about the UAB Book arts Program and student exhibition and the creation, care, and conservation of books. The Book Arts Class exhibition in the Library will be up till 2011~

thanks kelly for taking the Photos and special thanks to Heather, Patty, and of course Irina for all the help with the lecture and exhibition!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alabama Center for the Book/ Tuscaloosa

UAB students at the Alabama Center for the Book - Book arts Conference 2010.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Book Arts Demos and Exhibitions

Make sure to join us for Larry Lou Foster's demo this Wednesday in HUM 104 and be sure to see the exhibition of "The Art of the Book" up now through Jan. 15 at the Sterne Library on UAB's Campus. Doug Baulos will speak about books in the Mervyn Sterne Library Special Holdings, meet in the Henley Room on November 9th from 12-1p.m. and bring a lunch! All events are free and open to the public.

indigo dye, asher katz, jacquard, forstall art demo