Tuesday, December 11, 2012

aaron lockhardt

bfa graduate 2012 - a. lockhardt - all works graphite on paper

ARS 100 2012 - selected

zach edison

 hannah retig

hannah doggett

hannah retig

jonah grice

frank tait wayland

Monday, July 16, 2012

wet media 2012 summer b

after experimenting with watercolor, gouache, distemper, oil of paris, egg tempera, alkyd etc we had a fund day making procion ink paintings - in total I think they made over 60 - with mops etc.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

randy arnold visiting jemison artist/lecturer 2012 in book arts

Students had a great time last week with visiting Jemison artist and lecturer Randy Arnold. He demonstrated a ton of useful stuff for them to start their tool project. Over the two days he interacted with over 78 students - bet he was tired. Gave a great lecture about his work and studio practices - google him - he has lots of great sites on the web - etsy, blog etc. He was born, raised and lives in Northport Alabama. Thanks Randy.